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Legal notice

LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH
Hahnweg 139
D-96450 Coburg

Phone: +49(0) 95 61 / 6 42-0
Fax: +49(0) 95 61 / 6 42-3 33
Mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Represented by:
Lothar Bauersachs, Managing Director Engineering / Sales
Thomas Götz, Managing Director Business Administration
Robert Welsch, Managing Director Production

Competent local court: Coburg
Commercial register: Coburg HRB Nr. 671
VAT identification no.: DE811115903

Picture credits:
© LASCO Umformtechnik
© Hanke Industriedesign
© Coloures-Pic (Adobe Stock: 125004196)
© sebra (Adobe Stock: 175862697)
© TIMDAVIDCOLLECTION (Adobe Stock: 161189030)
© pixelkorn (Adobe Stock: 197497172)
© XtravaganT (Adobe Stock: 211823601)
© oatawa (Adobe Stock: 282469001)

LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH is a company of:
Langenstein & Schemann GmbH (Holding)
Represented by:
Friedrich Herdan, Chairman of the Board of Management
Dr. Bernd Langenstein, Member of the Board of Management
Frauke Gramelsberger, Member of the Board of Management

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